Who may enter
The competition is open to anyone.
Short description
INTL formerly operating as Graphic Design Festival Scotland invites designers worldwide to showcase their posters.
“ Launched in 2014, the International Poster Competition is recognised as one of the world’s largest collections of contemporary posters, receiving over 58,000+ entries (2014-2024) from over 110 countries since launching.
The brief is open. Submissions may be created specifically for the competition, for a client or as self-promotion.
You may submit a maximum of 8 posters.
All posters must have been created between 2023-2025.
Enter your posters to the International Poster Competition via entry form.
Entry fee
£20 per poster
• 1st Place: £500
• 2nd Place: £300
• 3rd Place: £100
A selection of highly-rated entries will be curated for the International Poster Exhibition in Glasgow as part of International Assembly festival. These posters will also be published in the International Poster Book.