In-Person and Online Intro to stand-up comedy writing, performing, classes, and networking offered by the San Francisco Comedy College!
If you ever thought you were funny, you were right! This Free Introductory Workshop explains precisely what we mean. Being “funny” is not a unique ability of gifted people; it’s an easy-to-learn skill that anyone can learn.
This workshop introduces you to all the SFCC offers in the subsequent 6-week Stand-Up Beginner Class. You will be given free comedy theory and a proven formula that illustrates the structure of all comedy spoken, written, filmed, or displayed in silent films. Bring your questions, your skepticism, and your willingness to learn!! This interactive presentation is fun, funny, and informative. Where else can you go to receive comedy instruction, ask a bunch of questions, and meet some odd people for one low price of nothing?
The ticket cutoff is 4 pm the day of!